Information/Instructions for authors

  • Write and submit your manuscript using Microsoft Word for PC.
  • Plain text on single pages, left alignment, NO columns in any kind.
  • Write Text in 11 pt size, Times New Roman, single space, no automatic or forced hyphenations.
  • Titles and sub-titles can be in bold or italic. Do not use numbers for the subtitles (do not use for example the style 1., 1.1, 1.2, etc.).
  • Page margins 1 inch (preferably on letter size 8½ x 11 inch), NO headers, NO footers, etc. (keep it simple).
  • Tables and Figures must open in Microsoft Word. Insert Tables and Figures on separate pages at the end of the Text (not between the text).
  • Submit the whole article (text, tables, figures, etc.) all in ONE file.
  • Please note that the correct citation of the Journal is: J. Adv. Oxid. Technol. (in Italic). Thus, please use this citation (not JAOTs) whenever you refer to an article published in this journal.
Articles in Journals
(14) Wilkinson, F.; Brummer, J. G. J. Phys. Chem. 1981, 10, 809-999.

Chapters in Books
(22) Benkelberg, H. J.; Deister, U.; Warneck, P. In Physicochemical Behavior of Atmospheric Pollutants; Restellia, G.; Angeletti, G., Eds.; Kleuwer: Dordrecht, 1990; pp 263-269.

(31) Helz, G.; Zepp, R.G.; Crosby, D., Eds. Aquatic and Surface Photochemistry; Lewis: Boca Raton, FL, 1993.